Welcome to the Mystery Manor. You are now in the basement. But do not despair. Our spirited guests have left you a series of mysteries to answer. Answer them correctly, and you will be able to go upstairs to the First Floor. Shall we proceed?

As you walk through the decrepit basement, you notice green envelopes placed indiscriminantly. Each one has a mystery, or riddle, contained within. If you can solve all of them, you will move on with the answers as your password to the next part of the house—the first floor kitchen! Our dearly departed guests, however, are particular. The answer must be written with no caps and no spaces. If there are multiple answers in the password, they can be combined into ONE password, with no spaces and no caps. When you feel you have solved the mysteries, just click on the button and enter your solution as the password to get to the next room. Best of luck—we are all counting on you.

Question #1:

In what month do Americans eat the least vegetables?

Question #2:

If 2 hens lay four eggs in four days, how many eggs does one hen lay in four days?

Question #3:

How many apples can you put (one at a time) into an empty bag?

Question #4:

How many cubic feet of earth are in a hole measuring 3 feet wide by 4 feet long by 5 feet deep?


Mystery Manor Basement—Don’t try to clean it up; just get out!

Need hints? Click here.

I’m ready to go upstairs to the First Floor.


And I have the answers to prove it.

If you’re ready to go upstairs, click the button below and enter your answers to the 4 questions above as your password for entry to the first floor-and remember—no spaces, no caps, and numbers are written as numbers—0, 1, 2, etc.